Definitive Guide To Choose A Right Niche For Your Blog

looking to start blogging but not sure what niche to choose?

Yes, choosing the right blogging niche is important for blogging success.

You want to make sure that it’s something people are interested in reading about, and there’s enough traffic in the field.

This article will help you decide on a topic or theme for your blog by taking into consideration a few factors.

It’s Extremely important to have a perfect blogging niche for a successful blogging career.

But, Choosing the right blogging niche can be difficult. ‘Right’ makes sense as never one single niche works well for everyone.

There are so many blogging niches to choose from, and it’s hard to know which one will work best for you.

This definitive guide is here to help you find your perfect blogging niche. I will walk you through the process of choosing a blogging niche that will make your blog successful, profitable, and enjoyable!

What is a niche blog and why should you have one:-

Blog niche is none other than a certain specific blog topic that you write about.

note: again ‘specific’ makes sense. what is a specific blog topic for mine, it might not be specific for you.

Having a blogging niche means choosing a unique topic to write about. It’s helpful if your blog is focused on one specific subject. A blogging niche adds variety and interest to the blogging experience.

It also helps you organise your blogging efforts around narrow, but related topics, rather than writing random posts about different topics which dilutes your blog strategy.

A blogging niche is also helpful to your readers as well, because they like learning about the subject you choose. The blogging niche helps give your blog direction and make it stand out from competitors.

How To Choose A Niche For Your Blog

Doing some research on the blogging niches that are popular right now can help you decide which blogging niche to focus on.

If you get lost, just go back to your own interests and passions. If blogging is something that’s going to be part of your daily routine, then you should choose a blogging niche in an area about which you care deeply.

Further in this article you will get more clarity on things to consider for the best blog niche.

What Makes A Perfect Blogging Niche ?

Earlier I started a blog on Online Shopping Discounts. So in that case Online Shopping is my blog niche.

And believe me, I worked hard to achieve success and struggles a lot for blog growth.

So, what’s wrong with my blogging niche? Why does it take so much time and effort to grow organically?

Here is a takeaway:- ‘Online Shopping’ is a broad blogging niche and holds a rare chance of success for first time bloggers.

Instead, Online Shopping Discounts On Hotel Booking, Online Shopping Discounts For Men’s Grooming Products, Women Beauty Products Shopping, could be more perfect for individual bloggers.

Hence always go with Micro-niche for easy success of your blog.

Perfect Blogging Niche = Your Passion/ Interest + In Demand Topic (Trending)

Let’s take an another example,

If Laptop Buying Guide is a specific topic of your blog.

But people use laptops for different purposes like coding, gaming, Graphics design, Multimedia, Corporate presentation and many others use cases.

so ‘Laptop for Gaming’ could be the perfect Micro-Niche for your blog.

So sometimes you can consider your Target Audience, Product Purpose, Your interest, Your Blogging Goal, Public Demand while selecting a blogging niche.

By now you know what a blog niche is, why do you need one. Alright.

Let’s move on choosing the right one.

What Makes A Perfect Blogging Niche For YOU ?

Everyone is different. Think about the following things when picking your niche:


Some niches will take longer than others. Others may be faster but have a lower potential ceiling.

Long Term Goals

Just how far do you want this site to go? Are you happy working on a portfolio of small sites or do you want to be the next

How visible do you want to be?

Are you happy being the face of your site or would you rather work in a niche where you can work behind the scenes?

How long do you want to work on the same project?

Are you looking for a quick exit or could this be a lifelong project for you? Only you can decide that.

How to start brainstorming a niche

Don’t be in a hurry to choose a blog niche, I personally recommend spending more time brainstorming blog niche ideas.

This is a highly critical step, as how much time you spend on research will save more time in the future in the content creation process.

I believe blogging is a full time business and everyone wants to make money out of it. so considering monetisation angel is also crucial while selecting blog niche.

Also, It’s highly important to have your passion, interest and people’s demand for your blogging topic.

so you can start looking at below points to get blog niche ideas

  • What you have purchased recently
  • Art (if you are an experts in any art )
  • Day to Day lifestyle
  • Gadgets for your age group
  • Blogs/ Articles  you reads
  • Trending Youtube Videos
  • Things You are Good At
  • Amazon product categories
  • Website Marketplaces
  • Affiliate Networks

Remember, if you find a topic which is high in demand, having very little content available online then go for it. As Interest can be developed later on.

Moving ahead, you can make a detailed worksheet before actually start validating your blog niches

Making Blog Topic Worksheet

The aim of this sheet is to give you a birds eye view of the niches you pick throughout your research.

Each section has a specific area which you can hone in on and analyse with a fine tooth comb.


Make a section (Categories) which you want to go into more detail, but make a brief overview of what is included.


That’ll be your starting point. I personally want you to gather as many possible ideas as possible. Skies the limit here and it really doesn’t matter whether you think the niche is silly, won’t work, or just plain stupid. The aim is to get down as many ideas as possible and view them in more detail later.

Benchmark Criteria

Once we’ve done that, we’ll start benchmarking these niches based on this section’s criteria. How competitive is the niche? Can you easily monetize it? How hard will it be to grow the site through SEO? Is the community good and how well do you fit into it?

Deep Niche Research

Once you’re happy with your niche, we’ll then start digging into it really deep to flesh it out. I won’t talk about that too much until later on, so don’t worry if you feel like you’ve forgotten to do something here!

Now you have a list of blogging niche ideas along with certain benchmarks.

so, it’s time for validating blog niche ideas

How to Validate Blog Niches ideas?

So you’ve got yourself a nice healthy list of niches by now.

Great! At this stage, you need around 10-25 niches.

If you haven’t got this yet, go back and run through brainstorming blog niche processes again until you reach that level.

Before we move on, however, we’re going to prune this list a little. The next few steps can potentially take hours, so if you’re running this process with niches that you already know won’t work or you just can’t bear to think about starting your website, let’s cut it out before you waste any time on it.

Group Your Niches

Let’s start by grouping your similar niches together. For example, Pets, Dogs, Cats and Horses should all sit next to each other on the list.

This will help you visualise these niches and detect any overlap or contradictions.

Create Micro-Niches

From here, you can start to identify sub-niches. For example, WordPress could go under Tech/Software, Haircare could go under Beauty, etc.

Make things easy to identify using the format options in Sheets so you can easily identify sub-niches and top-level niches.

On the flip side, you can also create Micro-Niche (sub-niches). Let’s say you have Sleeping as a niche – mattresses and pillows, sleeping supplements, dreams, etc. could all be sub-niches of this.

Why it’s important to know what you’re blogging about before you start blogging

Remember , You can not start blogging on just initial research and good vibes of starting something new.

Knowing what blogging niche is one of the most important parts for blogging success.

As blogging niche is a part of blog topic, blogging niche makes your blog more focused.

Without knowing all details about the blogging niche you will never build a successful blog.

And hence, Choose blogging niche wisely as it’s your career choice!

Blogging can be fun, but blogging with a specific blogging niche will help you stand out from the crowd.


Knowing your blogging niche is important because it makes blogging easier, blogging more fun, blogging more effective, blogging more profitable, and writing blog posts less confusing. It’s also helpful to your readers if they like learning about what you write about or find it interesting.

Moving ahead with the blog niche validation process.

Now you have a list of blog topics along with micro-niche associated with it. further you have benchmarking data for each and every blog topic.

Just remember,

  1. If you select a topic that you’re interested in but people don’t then you fail.
  2. If you select a Blog niche with Huge-Topic (High Competitive) then you fail.
  3. If you select a topic that you’re interested in and with a huge audience but no money making opportunity, then you fail.


SO, How do I choose the right one blog niche to start with?

Here it is, besides data you have in your brainstorming list of blogging niches, go ahead and ask a few questions. Try to be honest as this is going to define your blogging success.

  1. Can I write the first 50+ articles on the selected Blog niche? (For this you have to be interested about selected blog niche)
  2. Are there enough people searching about your Blog topic ? (Selected Blog Topic must have decent Audience )
  3. Can I add real Value to Blog Audience ? (you have to be Knowledgeable about blog niche)
  4. Do that topic have active searches (See Google Trends)
  5. How easily you can monetise blogs with your own products or affiliate products.

Fill your honest answers of above listed questions in your earlier blogging niche worksheet and you will get your blog niche right there!

All the Best!

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