Industry Snippet
In digital marketing, it’s fairly straight forward although it is quite comprehensive. In digital marketing, you only do two things – one is to acquire a new customer and the second is to retain an existing customer or to get a customer to return to your product. So, from that point of view, we engaged in a social app, in-app marketing where we tried to get more and more app installs through different sources, through the search for example, in early days for our search was a very very big support in terms of getting new users because if you do your SEO well on Google and you identify the right keywords, it can be a great source of free traffic and that’s what happened with me.
Analysing Keywords in SEO
We know how to optimize your presence as a marketer on the digital platform. Moving on, we will now talk about the role of a marketer in SEO. Ever wondered how a marketer optimizes the presence of his business online. While you already know about the basics of Google Algorithms and Pagerank, here you will get a better understanding of the principles that a marketer needs to follow while doing SEO for his website. Let’s start in detail.

before starting you need to recap basics of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO,
- What is SEO and
- Why is it important
- We learned about the functioning of a search engine
- What search engine rank means and
- How Google’s algorithm ranks search results
Now moving further, we will talk about what you can do as a marketer to optimize your site. As 90% of the searches in India happen on Google, we will talk about it in detail in this module.

As a marketer, the first step in SEO is Keyword Analysis.
- A keyword is the search term that is most likely to be used to reach your website. There could be multiple keywords for which your website appears in search results and hence gains more traffic.
- By using the right keywords in your website strategically, you can increase the chances of your website ranking higher for those keywords

Let me recap how a search engine works. The user enters what he is looking for in the form of text. This text is the keyword that the search engine will use to look in its records to come up with a list of relevant links. If you have done your optimization right, one of these links will be your website and if you’ve done very well, it may appear as the top result.
Basically, your SEO keywords are the words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines, in this case, Google uses its algorithm for creating an order in which the results are displayed for a particular keyword. Say a user is looking for a specific kind of honey online, like raw honey. Their search entry is something like this-” buy raw honey in India”. As soon as they search for it, Google would match these words with the keywords that it has in its records, for different websites. Based on its records, it will present a list of websites where the user could find raw honey to buy from. How it does this positioning is, through an algorithm that is still a trade secret. However, experienced marketers have identified some factors that influence this ranking. You can use these to influence your website’s rank for the keywords you want.
Google analyses the keywords in every website based on which it creates an order of how it would appear on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). While making a website, you should be extremely careful with the words that you choose to put in because it would affect your rank on the results page. Yes, keywords are an important factor while ranking a website.

Hence, you should consider the following points while making your website:
● Relevance – While writing content for your website you should always keep your
- Keywords specific to your product/service
- The keyword themes used should be focussed on your business
Say you are an online grocery store based out of Thane in Mumbai and your website doesn’t have keywords like Mumbai in it. Then your website will not be visible to as many people looking for groceries in Mumbai. This reduces relevant traffic to your website and as a result, will greatly affect your business.

● Popularity – While writing content you should do thorough research on what people are searching for. The keywords that are frequently used in searches make them popular. If you add such keywords to your website and rank higher in search results for them, it makes your website popular with internet users. Say you have a travel business and you have started a night trekking club and are based out of Bengaluru. You would look at the number of times users have searched for “night trekking club” against something like “night trekking company” to see which one is more popular. You can use the one which has a larger search volume to gain more traffic.
● Low Competition – When you make a website for your business, you should always consider keywords that are relevant and popular but at the
(i) Same time not used by competitors for your business. By this, it means you should have popular keywords but you
(ii) Should be descriptive
Continuing with the same example as mentioned, for a night trekking club in Bengaluru, you could use keywords like “night trekking club in Bengaluru” rather than using keywords like “night trekking club”. Although the latter is popular as there would be more people looking for it, what you cannot forget is that there would be more people with an established business using the same keywords and already ranking higher. It is difficult to displace established businesses from the top of the search. Hence,
(iii) Using elaborate texts as keywords for your website makes it low in terms of competition and increases chances of ranking higher
● Selecting Keyword themes & Focusing on Conversions – While you select keywords for your website, selecting a keyword theme is basically an overarching system where you,
i. write generic keywords for your website and
ii. add more text to it as per the pages in the website

For example, you want to make an online job portal for various cities across India with jobs in multiple sectors. You will use the word “ jobs” which is generic as your website is about jobs And then you could have pages such as “jobs in Delhi” and “jobs in Bengaluru” which could be optimised for the longer keywords “jobs in Delhi” and “jobs in Bengaluru” respectively. This helps increase your website’s traffic as it could appear when searched with longer keywords such as “jobs in Delhi” or “jobs in Bengaluru” as well as shorter ones such as “jobs”.
One step ahead in this concept, you could check the most frequent volume search queries that are popping up at your Google Search Console & see if there are some common themes like “High Salary” Jobs in Delhi.
Once you identify this trend as something where users are completing website goals like
- more pages visited per session
- or a low bounce rate
- or even higher form fills (or conversions)

You can optimize your keyword sets so as to include these converting themes to your parent focused keyword set. You can follow the following steps to identify and use the right keywords for your website:
- Make a list of relevant keywords applicable to your business. For example, the words “trip” or “vacation” will be of utmost importance for a website that focuses on travel. From this, you can derive longer and more specific keywords such as “trip to Goa” or “vacation planning” Google provides you with a tool called
2. Keyword Planner that helps you
i. estimate search volume and
ii. competition for a particular set of keywords
Search volume and competition for a particular set of keywords can be checked through the following steps:
- Sign in to your Google AdWords account
- Go to the Tools option in the Task Bar and Click on Keyword Planner
- Select ‘Get Search Volume and Data Trends’
- Enter the list of keywords you have made
- Click on ‘Get Search Volume’
- The volume of search for your keywords is displayed
Say here if we enter the keywords ‘night trekking Bangalore’, this is what the result would look like. This tells you that on an average 170 people are searching for the keyword ‘night trekking Bangalore’ and the competition for this is low.
3. Selecting keywords that have low competition is useful as you can quickly rank higher for these. The rankings for keywords used by the popular and established websites are unlikely to change soon. So you should focus on keywords that have a low competition to start with. As you start ranking for lower competition keywords, your website becomes popular among users and it is possible that it could start ranking for higher competition keywords as well.
Now you know that there are so many factors involved in displaying the results to a search on Google and how your presence on digital media is affected by your strategy as a marketer. While you would be thinking of keywords for your website that is not used by our competitors.
The two types of SEO – ON Page SEO

There are 2 broad types of SEO techniques. They are:
1. ON Page SEO
2. OFF Page SEO
Let’s understand first what is ON Page SEO. ON Page SEO refers to all measures that can be taken directly within your website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. Search engines aim to give their users the best results for the keywords they enter. Hence, the key elements to successful on-page optimization is to
- Make more people click on your link in search results and
- Give those users who visit your website a good experience. This can be done by
- Understanding what users actually want when they search for the keywords that you wish to rank for. Some experienced marketers have identified some elements on your website that affect the clicks and user experience in a positive way

These elements and techniques used to influence these elements are collectively known as on-page SEO. Let’s understand in detail how you can use ON Page SEO techniques:
- Crawling and Indexing – Before you appear in search results, search engines like Google need to know that you exist. This can be done using crawling, a process in which a search engine like Google is constantly sending out crawlers to discover new pages. But how does this happen? Search engines basically process each of the pages they crawl in order to compile a massive index of all the keywords it sees and their location on each page. For Google, you can access this in Google Search Console. Visitors to your site like fresh content and hence, so does the crawler. A crawler might visit your website at any time. But if it finds no new content, there is a possibility that it might put your site down as inactive. However, Google allows you to control the crawl rate for your website. Say you update your site weekly, then you can set your site to be crawled once a week. So, when a crawler reads your website, it always finds new content and considers your site as active.
To change the crawl rate you need to follow these steps:
- Log into Google Search Console for your website
- On the Google Search Console home page, click on the site for which you’d like to adjust the crawl rate
- Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Site Settings from the dropdown menu.
- In the Crawl rate section, select the option you prefer, and then click Save.
The pages of your website are then saved in the search engine’s records in an organised manner based on the content on the pages. This process is called indexing. There may be hundreds of pages in your website. But every page will be indexed. There might be a case when you want to get a new or updated page indexed immediately. To do that, you can use the Google Search Console and follow these steps:
- Go to Google Search Console home screen
- Select the domain name, and expand the Crawl menu
- Click Fetch as Google menu link
- Enter your webpage or blog URL into the input field, leaving off the domain name
- Click the FETCH button
- Verify your FETCH status, (if it is successful, go to the next step)
- Click the Submit to index button
However you might not want Google to see all the pages on your website. There might be some heavy files which might take time to crawl or some internal pages that contain private information. Robots.txt is a text file you put on your site to tell search robots which pages you would like them not to visit. This is a robots.txt file for popular digital marketing website They have asked the search engines to not read pages in their forum, pages about privacy and users.
2. URLs – URL is the text entered in the address bar of a browser to reach a specific webpage. URLs define the page to visitors and search engines. Making a URL
- Descriptive and
- Including a keyword in the URL is a good way to tell a search engine and the user that a page is relevant to that keyword. Websites with descriptive URLs are ranked higher by Google Let us look at 3 different URLs for the same product on 3 different websites.

If a user is looking to buy Dabur honey and sees these 3 results in Google:
1) First is the page for Dabur on –
2) Next the page for Dabur honey on another website called –
3) Then on the Dabur website –
In the first and second cases, the user has virtually no idea what the URL might be pointing towards. With example 3 it is easy to understand that the page is for buying Dabur Honey. So if a user sees these 3 links when searching for “buy Dabur honey”, he or she will click on the third one. As a result, in subsequent searches, the third one will start ranking higher for the keyword ‘buy Dabur honey’

3. Easy navigation by using Breadcrumbs- Breadcrumbs are a text based website navigation scheme. They break down the website in sequential order for the user to locate a webpage on the website. It is essentially a row of internal links for the visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section or the root page. An example of it would be an e-commerce website, in which a large variety of products are grouped into logical categories. So for a product like Samsung Galaxy S6, an eCommerce site like Flipkart would put it under several levels of hierarchy.
Phones > Android Phones > Samsung Phones > Samsung Galaxy S6. Each of these levels refers to a breadcrumb.

4. Create unique web page titles- Title of a page is what appears in the largest font in the search engine results. It is also what appears on the top of the browser when a user opens any page on a website. Here, the title is simply ‘Twitter’. This is how a title would look like in HTML: Using a keyword in the title of a page is useful in ranking that page for that keyword. A title tells the user as well as the search engine what the page is all about.
i. If a user searches for “buy shoes online”, they will see these results. In this example, the title for Jabong which is the first result clearly states that the page is for buying shoes online for men, women, kids in India. So a user understands that this is relevant to the keyword they were looking for and as a result ends up clicking on it. Additionally, the title tag must be less than 70 characters because if it is greater, it gets cut off in search results. So, the Amazon and Jabong titles appear in their entirety while the Snapdeal one got cut off as it was longer than 70 characters.
ii. Use the description ‘meta tags’ ‘Description’ meta tag is a short descriptor that summarises the page’s content. The user sees it as a snippet in the search results. This should be less than 160 characters for the same reason as the title tag. Longer descriptions don’t appear properly in search results. Looking at the same example, if the user searches for ‘buy shoes online’, the Jabong description is completely visible while Amazon and Snapdeal ones have been cut off at some places. The meta description tag is just like an advertisement for the marketer. It convinces the user on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) to click on the link to your website thus, making itself an important SEO practice. Focus on the words you think a user will be searching for and is likely to find your website, or emphasize specific details that might interest users. Also, a good compelling description with proper usage of keywords improves the chances of users clicking on a link. This how a meta tag looks like in HTML. Say a user is looking for information on the iPhone. They search for it on Google and a number of links appear. Deciding on which one to click would depend on the one that matches their search. So a suitable meta tag for this search should look similar to this.
5. Generate internal links to the pages- This is a strategy to link pages within your website to increase the chances of a user staying longer on a site. Say you are a marketer for a real estate website. A user is looking for a house in Saket in Delhi searches for it on Google and lands on your website. Unfortunately, there are no houses in that area listed on your site. If you have done your internal linking well, the user will see recommendations for houses in areas near Saket. The user might check out these houses and as a result, stay on the site longer. This signals to a search engine that your website had the information that the user was looking for. In addition to that, internal linking increases the number of pages linking back to a page on your website. Let’s take the example of Zomato, which is a widely used website for information on various restaurants across India.

Now, Zomato heavily uses internal linking on its website as an SEO practice. Each restaurant page is linked from several other pages on zomato. For example, a page for a Chinese restaurant in Bandra could be linked from several other pages on the Zomato website such as a page for “restaurants in Mumbai” or “Chinese restaurants in Mumbai” or “restaurants that offer takeout” etc. This increases the chances of the user landing on the page.
Prepare and submit an XML Sitemap- An XML sitemap is a structure of the website that is readable by search engines. On one single page, you show the structure of your site, its sections, the links between them, etc. Sitemaps make navigating your site easier for the search engine. Having an updated sitemap on your site tells the search engine where all the pages in your site are located, this makes your website easy to crawl. XML is the mode of communication between the website and the search engine referring to the content of the website. An XML sitemap is a that tool which can help marketers organize content on their website. To submit a sitemap to Google :
1. Ensure that the XML sitemap is accessible via its URL
2. Log in to Google Search Console Tools
3. Under “Crawl,” choose “Sitemaps.”
4. Click on the red button in the upper right marked “Add/Test Sitemap.” Enter the URL of the sitemap and click “Submit Sitemap
This is what an XML sitemap looks like. The image shows an XML sitemap structure of a website with its pages in the hierarchy in which they are interlinked.

7. Host a useful 404 page- A 404 error appears when a page on your website is deleted. These should be un-indexed using Google Search Console so that they don’t appear in search results. If somehow the user lands on a deleted page, it should guide him back to a working page on your site. You can do this by creating a custom 404 page which has a link to the homepage. This helps to greatly improve the user experience and keeps them on the site longer. This is how you unindex or remove a page from the website using Google Search Console:
1. Open the Remove URLs page
2. Click Temporarily hide
3. Enter the relative path of the desired image, page, or directory and click Continue
4. Choose one of the following actions
5. Temporarily hide the page from search results and remove from cache
6. Remove the page from cache only
7. Temporarily hide directory
8. Click Submit Request

8. Engage mobile users- Ensure the visitors who access your site from mobile devices have an experience optimized for the device. With the increasing adoption of mobile devices, Google emphasizes that a site needs to be easily accessible on mobile and be readable. This can be done using
(i) mobile responsive themes or by creating a
(ii) separate mobile site
9. Improve site speed- Site loading speed is one of the signals used by the search engines in its algorithm to rank pages. Users tend to avoid sites with longer load time and as a result, spend lower average time on the website. A fast loading site is
(i) convenient and hence
(ii) ranks higher in search engines.
While site speed is important to Google for its rankings, for a marketer, the speed of his website also affects his users. Good user experience leads to better conversions. For a marketer, it’s always better to have a fast website as it creates good user experience in the following ways: A fast website will
(i) ease the user’s navigation through the pages of your website, leading to
(ii) increase in the number of views
Say for an eCommerce website where you are selling a product, having a fast site will quickly make the buyer understand what is the offer and complete their orders, getting you more revenue for your business. To make sure that your site does not slow down, you should
- Avoid using too many apps and plugins on your website such as Flash
- Avoid using heavy images that take time time to load
- Not put too many ads on your site as it lowers the site speed, besides bothering the viewers
10. Provide Alt-text for images- Alt text is a description for images. Search engines cannot read images but using Alt Text, you can help a search engine understand what the image is about. The search engine can then index it properly. Simply put, it’s the text that the search engine uses to understand images. To include this, you simply add “alt=’the text that you want to add’” to your image tag. For example, if the user sees the image of a crying baby, this is how you put an Alt text to the image for the search engine to understand what the image is about.
Text to HTML ratio: A website has a certain amount of HTML code and a certain amount of regular text content for the user to read. The text to HTML ratio refers to the amount of text on a web page versus the HTML code on a web page. This percentage refers to the visible text ratio, against the HTML elements, image tags and other information invisible to a regular uses on a webpage. For a good user experience this should be at least 25%. The text to HTML ratio is useful because web pages with higher text to HTML code ratio indicates
1. better user experience, as there is
2. more useful content for the user
As we mentioned earlier, a better user experience is a prime search ranking factor for Google. Less HTML code for a webpage
3. reduces the time taken to load a page. This also adds to a better user experience
Lesser HTML code and a higher ratio of plain text makes it
4. easier for search engines to crawl and index the site.

You can optimise your website by keeping a check on your text to HTML ratio by keeping a few important factors in mind
- Remove any unnecessary code
- Remove huge white spaces
- Avoid lots of tabs
- Remove comments in code
- Avoid tables. Use tables in your layout only if absolutely necessary
- Use CSS for styling and formatting
- Resize your images
- Remove any unnecessary images
- Remove any hidden text that is not visible to people
- Write detailed text content
- Avoid flash and JavaScript- JavaScript is a very useful language for creating dynamic websites. However,
i. not all search engines can read JavaScript
Any link or text depicted by JavaScript will sometimes
ii. restrict access to crawl and indexing of those pages in the website
It is an important factor of On-Page SEO as the chances of those pages with flash and JavaScript then
iii. ranking in search results decreases
Flash can be used to make animated website content very quickly. However, it is completely unreadable by search engines. Hence, if the objective is to rank a page higher, it makes sense to avoid Flash and JavaScript.
The two types of SEO – OFF Page SEO
Let’s now move on to the second type which is OFF Page SEO. Off-page optimization refers to all measures that are taken outside the boundaries of the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. It refers to the techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs). From a search engine point of view, off-page SEO refers to how credible and popular a website is. If you want your website to be judged as credible, one of the ways is to get other websites to link back to you or in other words,

- Build backlinks- Backlinks are the incoming links to a webpage. i.e. links to your website on other websites. A page with a
1.good amount of quality and
2.relevant backlinks tend to
3.rank higher in all major search engines.

Let’s understand more about backlinks with an example. A restaurant’s website gets a backlink from another website which is a prominent food review blog or website. This is a valuable, natural, and relevant backlink that the restaurant’s website has gained. A search engine can read content on both sites but does not know how good the restaurant is. However when it sees that a blog about food is talking about a restaurant, it assumes the restaurant and hence its website must be popular. So, there is a chance the restaurant’s website will rank higher for keywords related to food. As a marketer, your role is to get backlinks from quality websites relevant to your industry. There are two ways to get the most from your backlinks. They are
I. Including keywords in anchor text: Anchor text is the visible text that can be clicked upon in a hyperlink. A good anchor text tells the user and search engine crawlers more about the page the link will take the user to. For example, let’s say see these two options link to
a) Click here to know more
b) Know more about the best digital marketing course
In the first case if “Click here” is the anchor text, it doesn’t tell the search engine crawlers or a user what the page linked to is about. In the second case, if the “best digital marketing course” is the anchor text, it tells the search engine crawlers and users that the page the user will go to after clicking is about the “best digital marketing course”. In this case, the user will go to the website on clicking the link. This increases the relevance of the website for the keyword “best digital marketing course” and increases the chances of ranking higher when someone searches for that keyword.
II. Converting brand mentions to links: One of the ways, Google and search engines gauge the popularity of a website is by the number of times it is mentioned. So, your company may have received a very good article in a popular news website but if it does not link to your website, it does not count for much in terms of SEO. One way you can still benefit is to contact the author of the article and ask them to convert the brand mention to a link to your website.
2. Off-page SEO for local businesses: If you are a marketer for a local business you can create a My Business page on Google+ and provide information like category of business, say a restaurant or a book shop, as well as address and contact information. Now, say a user searches for a Chinese restaurant sitting in his office in Worli. Google will display restaurants near him. If you are the marketer for a Chinese restaurant in the area and have created a Google+ page, your restaurant will appear in search results. So, Google+ is an easy way to get customers for your local business. In addition to this, you could also consider listing your business in online classifieds such as justdial or zomato. These websites have an established presence and even if your website does not make the top of search results, your page on these websites can help drive customers to your business.
What is Black Hat SEO?
Moving on, let’s now talk about Black Hat SEO, which refers to the usage of
- Aggressive SEO techniques that focus only on
- Influencing search engines and
- Not a human audience, and usually
- Do not obey search engines guidelines

Search engines penalise websites that try to fake relevance. A penalty is a loss in rankings. Major search engines like Google always update their algorithm to make results more relevant. For example, the recent Panda update added a content quality filter while the Penguin update penalised sites with bad quality of backlinks. Sites with poor quality of content and backlinks were penalised and lost several positions in rankings. If you rely on website traffic for running your business and your site gets penalised, you could face huge losses.
For example, eBay lost about $200 million in revenue after its rankings took a hit as a result of the update. Google found that the content on eBay was not up to the mark and its backlinks were not genuine. This graph shows the percentage of pages on the eBay website that were tanking in the top 10 results on Google. The drop occurred after the Panda update. The other big losers were,, and which Google identified as having poor quality of content.
Protect your website from penalty by avoiding black-hat techniques like:
- Comment spamming: Many websites such as those of newspapers or blogs have comment boxes where readers can leave their opinion on articles. Comment Spamming is the practice of putting links to your site in these comment boxes. For instance, you have a website where you post blogs and pictures of your travel. You want to promote your website so you go to many popular websites and comment in their comment box. This technique used to work as an easy way to get a backlink before Google updated its algorithm. Now it is not a good SEO practice as after its algorithm update, Google understands the difference between comment and content. If caught, Google’s algorithm might penalise you and cause a
i. Huge drop in rankings and
ii. Traffic
Article spinning: Article spinning is the process of rewriting the articles that already exist on the web with minor changes. This is like copying an assignment and changing language slightly before submission. This can be
i. Done on your own site or on article submission sites to get a backlink from them. When done on your own site, Google identifies it as
ii. Duplicate content and might penalize you. Article submission sites used to work well as backlinks earlier. Now, Google’s updated algorithm judges these as poor quality backlinks and could penalize you
iii. Major search engines like Google spot websites involved in black hat techniques and decrease their search engine ranking with every algorithm update.
For example, you may have built poor quality links to your site by
(i) paying fraudulent sites or through other link
(ii) schemes that violate the quality guidelines of Google. Hence, you should remove as many low-quality backlinks to your website as possible.
To remove backlinks from bad quality and spam websites use the Disavow Links tool in Google Search Console. You could do that by following these steps:
A. Create a text file in notepad (windows) or textedit (mac)
The domain: line means that you want every link from the domain to be disavowed. You can disavow individual links from individual pages. But due to the way that Google asks you to be exact in how it’s expressed most people will choose to disavow the whole domain instead. Save the file as “disavow.txt”
B. Sign into Google Search Console
C. Go to the respective URL
D. Choose the domain you want to disavow links for from the dropdown
After the warning message
E. Click the choose file and go and find the .txt file you created
F. Submit the file
The next time that Google crawls, or any other page on this domain that links to you, they will apply and not count it as a backlink. This means that these links will no longer be included in algorithmic calculations for your site.

Here we have covered some of the important
I. On page &
II. Off page SEO components along with
III. How to think about your keywords when you create content for the website
The major thought process to develop is how do your target consumers think and talk about the problems, challenges & solutions around your product or solution. Once you have understood which keywords attract which type of traffic, SEO will become a more meaningful exercise. We will cover more on “How to Build an Effective SEO Strategy” in the next session.

Now you know that marketers need some content skills in the form of,
- Keywords and Keyphrases- Especially when it comes to eCommerce sites that rely largely on SEO techniques to attract customers. For SEO, it’s very important for marketers to understand the importance of both on-page and off-page SEO techniques. In a nutshell, SEO techniques need to be very effective for your target audience. Through the example of an online travel portal, our professor details out the factors used by Google too,

Analyse every website and create an order of how it would appear on the Search Engine Result Page. These are:
● Relevance
● Popularity
● Low competition
● Keyword themes
The session further describes the
Two techniques of SEO majorly
(i)ON Page and
(ii) OFF Page
On-Page SEO refers to the measures taken directly within the website. The On-Page SEO techniques involve
● Crawling & indexing of web pages
● Urls
● Breadcrumbs for easy navigation of websites
● Using metatags to summarise page content
● Interlinking of pages within a website
XML sitemap linked to a URL
● A useful 404 page
ON Page SEO techniques also focus on
● Improving site speed and
● Making the website mobile responsive to engaging content
● Alt-text for images
● A text to HTML ratio and
● No flash or JavaScript if possible
On the other hand,
4 OFF Page SEO techniques refer to the measures taken outside the website or that particular page to improve the rank of a website. So reading about a restaurant mentioned on the TOI portal raises its chances of being ranked higher than others.
OFF Page SEO techniques involve
● including keywords in anchor text and
● converting brand mentions to links
The third type of SEO technique is
Black Hat which refers to all the SEO techniques that were followed in the past, and techniques that Google would penalize you for. These are :
● Comment spamming and
● Article spinning to promote their presence online
With this, we conclude this session on a marketers role in SEO, in the next session we will be focusing on how to analyse our SEO efforts. So stay tuned.
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