Why do people blog? What are the benefits of starting a blog?

Blogging? But Why? 

Why is ‘’blog ‘’ a buzzword in the online marketing world?

And why do so many people want to be a blogger? 

So, The answer is simple. I believe Blogging is a Full time business and business makes Name + Fame + Money.

Now, you got an idea why people blog? But that is not all. Blogging business is way better than any traditional business. 

And you know what makes the blogging business standout? It’s Comfort, Convenience and Freedom and Exposure.

Let’s take a closer look at what are the real outcomes of blogging.  

Well, Blogging has become an integral part of the digital marketing world.

Blogging is a great way to increase visibility for your company online, attract new customers and stay connected with current customers. 

blogging also helps you give back to your community by providing valuable insights on topics that are important to them. 

Blogging can be done in many ways including guest blogging or starting your own blog.

In general,you may want to start blogging for any number of reasons, but today I’m going to focus on three specific benefits of blogging: 

  1. Blogging adds value with ad revenue:- 

One of blogging’s greatest benefits is the potential for making money blogging. When you start blogging, you will be able to create ads on your blog that can help generate income for you. How blogging ad revenue works depends on the blogging platform that you use (WordPress or Blogger). Generally, you will be able to create ads on your blog that are managed by blogging platforms like Google AdSense . blogging is a great way to make money blogging, but it’s also FREE!”

  1. blogging improves SEO and website traffic:-

Blogging is beneficial because blogging can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) ranking , resulting in increased website traffic. 

blog refers to writing blog posts on your website which are indexed by search engines, helping you achieve better rankings. 

Also, blogging can help you improve conversions because blogging often increases the chances of more people seeing your content, leading them to visit your site and convert into customers. 

So here’s how blogging helps your SEO and increase your website traffic

  •  Improves your Domain Authority
  •  Builds more links to your site
  •  Increases inbound links to your site
  •  Improves social sharing
  •  Adds additional content to search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • Helps you reach a larger audience
  • Increases the number of keywords that your site is indexed for.
  1. Blogging builds authority in your field:-

Blogging is beneficial because it can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) ranking , resulting in increased website traffic. 

Once you start sharing your thoughts, knowledge, experience on your blog, people start engaging with it. And at the same time you as a blogger, gradually start building trust.

This automatically builds an authoritativeness for bloggers in specific blog niche.

Till now, I have elaborated on general blogging benefits and that are enough to motivate first time bloggers to start on.

But, I’m not going to stop here, and why should I?. I would love to cover up blogging benefits for beginners. (This is most interesting)

So let’s move on. 

As you all know, Starting a Blog is a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with the world, but initially blogging can be hard work. 

It’s tough to stay motivated when blogging isn’t bringing in any money.

Bloginsider was created by blogger for bloggers like YOU! I’m here to help you grow your blog into something that makes you proud. I have  blogging tips designed specifically for beginners who want to start blogging today.

With blogging, you have an opportunity to not only create content but also market your products or services through blogging.

Blogging can be a powerful tool for business owners and entrepreneurs who are looking to connect with potential customers on a more personal level.

It’s free marketing that anyone can do! Here are some extensive  benefits of blogging which inspire you to start your own blog today!

a) blogging helps in generating traffic:

Blogging is a powerful way to gain exposure and increase traffic to your website, business, product sales pages and other web pages that you want the added exposure for.

 Since blogs allow people to comment on posts, blogs can also help in building relationships with potential customers or clients! Successful blogging can also help you get more qualified leads such as email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses.

b) blogging creates a community:

Whether you’re blogging on your own or blogging with other bloggers, blogging can be used to create a sense of community online that will not only build loyal readers but brand advocates too! 

So blogging doesn’t just focus on generating traffic but can also help in building brand awareness too.

c) blogging builds your professional image:

One of the best benefits to blogging is how blogging can be used to build your personal or business’ professional image online. 

It’s no secret that blogging gives you an added credibility and makes it easy for you to connect with people on a more personal level. 

That’s why blogging is a great way of building your personal or business’ reputation online.

d) blogging helps in increase website visibility:

Since blogging can be used to increase website rankings, blogging is a great way for webmasters to improve the search engine ranking of their websites on Google and other major search engines. 

In time, blogging can help you generate new backlinks which will also contribute to improving your search engine optimization or SEO too.

e) Blogging helps in identifying the target market:

One of the greatest benefits is how blogging can help you identify and target your ideal customers on a more personal level. As it is different from other marketing mediums and  because it gives you the opportunity to have a more personal conversation with your ideal customers that are just right for your business.

f) Blogging helps in building relationships online:

Since blogging allows people to share their thoughts and opinions on different subjects, it is also a great way of allowing potential customers or clients to get to know you better.

Blogging can help you build relationships with your customer base by blogging on topics that are interesting to your target audience so blogging is a great way of establishing authority, credibility and expertise online.

g) This can help in building trust online:

The blogging community has one of the highest levels of trustworthiness online, which makes blogging a great way of building trust with your potential customers or clients too! 

Since blogging is considered as one of the more credible forms of marketing, blog presents an opportunity to establish yourself as someone who is reliable, trustworthy and expert in what you blog about.

h) Blog helps in increasing customer loyalty:

The blogging community prides itself on being active participants in exchange for information, news or updates among other things which makes blogging a great way of building customer loyalty too! Since blogs offer people the opportunity to comment on posts, and can also help you to establish yourself as a valuable resource and an expert in what blogging is your business too.

i) Blog helps you stand out:

With all of the blogging noise online, blog can help you to stand out from the rest which makes blogging a great way of differentiating yourself from other businesses or competitors online too! Since this allows you to have your say, blogging can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your blog niche.

k) Blogging is the most cost-effective marketing strategy:

Since blogging doesn’t require any upfront fees or hassles, it is considered to be one of the more cost-effective marketing strategies online today. And since blogging only requires establishing you as a blogging expert, this can be considered one of the least costly ways to get your business known online.

l) Blogging is ideal for sharing information:

Blog gives you a great platform to share your knowledge and expertise with other bloggers which makes blogging a great way of establishing yourself as an authority in what blogging is! 

Since blog is all about sharing information, blogging can be considered one of the best ways to get your follower’s questions answered fast!

m) Blog helps you in gathering ideas for posting content:

Since blog is used as a form of communication or interaction between bloggers and their readers, it is also a great way of getting ideas for blog content too! With blogging, bloggers give you a chance to ask questions and get answers from other bloggers hence blog can be considered as one of the best ways of getting blogging tips fast!

n) Blogging is a great way for demonstrating your expertise:

Blog presents an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with people online which makes blog a great method for demonstrating your expertise too! Since expert blogging is about sharing thoughts and expertise with the blog audience.

o) Blogging helps you reach a wider audience:

Online Blog gives you a way to extend your reach and influence on the Internet which makes it a great way of getting your blog out there and reaching fast! Since blog works well for both new blogging ideas and questions too, this can be considered a low-cost way of getting an online following fast.

p) Helps bloggers reach blogging success:

The bloggers community is home to some of the bloggers best and brightest which makes blogging a great way of achieving success too! Since blogs have an interactive quality, and can be considered as one of the most effective ways of getting your blog known online. Especially in the early days of your blog.

q) Helps in establishing relationships with blog influencers:

Being a blog owner helps you establish relationships with other blog influencers which can be considered as one of the best ways for getting blog exposure fast! Sometimes, you can use other bloggers’ audices to cross promote your blog and the value you receive this way is absolutely priceless.

r) Helps in getting big brands to notice you:

Blog helps you in getting noticed by big brands which can lead to getting mentions by biggies and you get exposure fast! Since blogging works well blogging about blogging too, blogging can be considered one of the most effective ways of getting your blog known online.

s) Build  loyal audience:

Blog allows you to establish two way communication with your audience. So whenever you share your thoughts, knowledge, case studies, expertises, your reader also gets a chance to share their reaction. And this builds more engagement, trust and loyalty. 

These are all the biggest benefits of starting a blog, so what are you waiting for? Get started today.

If you have a digital marketing goal in mind, or looking to start an online blogging business, there are plenty of online resources to help you get started. But if your main priority is getting more traffic and converting visitors into customers, then starting a blog could be the best decision for your business! We created Bloginsider with one purpose – empowering other bloggers like yourself. If this sounds interesting to you, visit our homepage or contact us today!

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