Authorative blog Blueprint + Blogging Bootcamp

Blogging Business model

When you hear blog or blogging the next thing you might start thinking about money. And why not/ people made millions of dollars per year through blogging.

Making money is the only thing that can be achieved by blogging business. Absolutely not,as it’s a business, Blogging makes you an authoritative resource of information in your niche. And that’s the really big business. 

I mean a blog is fully involved in content driven marketing which earns expertise and authority for you among your audience. This further leads to building trust between you and your audience and people start considering your advice and recommendation. 

So, a simple statement blog makes you a celebrity in a specific niche. And opens up multiple revenue streams for you.

The best part is business blogging can be built without selling any physical product And spending a single penny on paid advertisement. (people do for early success)

Blogging businesses fully depend on the new currency in digital marketing, i. e. Content. 

‘Information’ is the only commodity in the blogging business. Which stays forever on the internet and continuously generates trust, authority, leads & sales. That’s why blogging is the most lucrative online business.

You might not believe it, but professional blogs can be started in less than $100. Yes, you read it right. Then what are you waiting for?

What do you think, starting a blog can not be a side hustle? No way! You can easily bootstrap and build a successful blogging business without quitting your beloved job.

 That’s the different thing, where blogging income makes you quit your job happily.

Moving towards diversification of blogging business.

See the internet and technology changes everyday, you also need to adopt these changes with business diversification.  Yes , changes happening around handing and operating blogs along with making revenue out of it.

I will hold your hand to tackle this business diversification process and make more profitability. Here and I produce a handful of resources that take your online business to a completely next level. 

When I talk about blogging business, two major factors affect the business, Traffic and Revenue.

Of-course it’s a long term process to bring continuous diversification in traffic and revenue to be relevant in online business. But no worries at all, will take you through.

For better understanding here are key elements involved in the blogging business process and collectively build successful blogging process (Blueprint)

Before actually seeing the blueprint of a successful blog, keep one thing in mind.

Business can not be built on fear/ negativity grounds. So don’t blindly believe on stories like google penalise, FN account suspend or amazon ban accounts. 

I agree this is true and it happens but that doesn’t mean that only this happens. protect you from such a ponzi business method that puts you in trouble (suspension / banning )

Here at bloginsidr, we believe in legitimate ways to build blogging businesses. Have done so far for our business and others too.

1) Diversification of Traffic :-

Traffic sources need to be considered first, as you can not just depend on one single traffic source for a success in blogging.

Major traffic sources like search engines and social media platforms have their own operational terminologies & algorithms. You need to follow and adopt changes in your blog as per traffic source (Search engines) and should not be dependent on only one of them.

Here key factor is, never try to play games with Search Engine, otherwise Search engine will take you ‘out of game’. And your valuable business can disappear overnight. 

Bloginsidr diversifies traffic from 4 different channels to protect business from any such platform dependency.

  1. Own Media
  2. Paid Media
  3. SEO Traffic (Organic)
  4. Social Traffic 

2) Diversification of Revenue:-

To make passive money is an ultimate goal many bloggers and that has to be. At the same time you can not depend on one single revenue stream for blogging income.

At bloginsidr we consider 3 major streams of revenue that will boost consolidated revenue of the entire blogging business. 

  1. Ads Revenue 
  2. Affiliate Revenue 
  3. Selling own products 

Yes, you can not only depend on ad revenue which runs on RPM. by considering all above you are stepping ahead for super success in blogging.

This is the basic architecture of a successful blogging website. 

Before decoding Further, understand why people fail? Where do they give up? What are the exact challenges they face while building a successful blogging business.

Next, The very big thing That might stop you (The Challenges)

It is very obvious that no business can be formed without any challenges. Like any other business, for successful blogging you need to face few critical challenges.

A) Skills :-

Like almost everyone you also landed here for one single motto ‘making money online’. And believe me nothing wrong with this. But the problem is in quick/easy  money expectation.

That’s not actually possible, no business on the planet will give you overnight success. Though few people achieve ‘overnight success ’ which again backed by years of efforts / experience and skill sets

To become a successful blogger you have to be very familiar with marketing tools, skills and able to adopt quick learning in each niche.

Especially below are a few necessary competences of online success in blogging and you have to master the art of 

  1. Research in niche
  2. Content Writing 
  3. Link building 
  4. Content distribution 
  5. Project management

B) Resource :-

For creating a successful blog,  you might need to tackle a handful of resource issues. Resources could be, decent amount of time, money, knowledge and blueprint (Roadmap)

Usually people decided to spend money on buying stuff like content or links and thought that they have done everything. Also some people have time to spend on blogging but they are limited by money. 

While calculating success for newly launched blog it’s extremely difficult to finalise where to spend money, when and how without a proper roadmap.

Here at bloginsidr you get lessons on handing all resources carefully for future success.

3) Complex Procedure

‘People fail, System works’ you may have heard this before. Which was very rightly said. Here I ‘m doing little tweak as ‘people fail unless they have working system’

Usually people fail at blogging due to over free information on the internet. Which further leads to more and more confusion and ultimately people fail.

A successful blog made up of multiple traffic and revenue systems with a powerful digital ecosystem. All this needs a perfect business blogging PLAN.

After all, above mentioned challenges are temporary and bloginsidr will help you to chase them all easily.

What to do with above challenges in ‘starting a blog’

Agreed, Challenges is always there like any other business, so here you need to find the RCA (root cause analysis) to chase them work accordingly.

In my opinion these challenges are due to too many tasks involved, a lot more activities and a learning curve involved. 

Bloginsidr, makes step by step guide to overcome all challenges one by one, Here we go

1) Solution is always their in Framework

Yes, I have created a framework you can call a system, to handle each revenue and traffic sources. All you need to stack each framework one at a time.

Those who try to acquire all traffic and revenue for their blog right after starting the blog are going to face big failure. 

Managing multiple traffic (Organic, Paid, Social) and revenue sources ( DIsplay Ads, Affiliate, Product sales ) togetherly put your business in risk. As all need different systems and skills as well. 

So I personally recommend mastering one thing at one time and head to the next. This is the biggest secret of blogging success. 

Remember, It’s always easy for you to diversify revenue or traffic once you have master at one. Many people are distracted by false opportunities at first and fail fast.

So why have we made Frameworks for value stacking?

Frameworks is an exact step by step guide to follow for mastering traffic skills and revenue. Where you come to know about productivity, tools and automations and business processes .

All matters is how you start framework stacking in your blogging journey 

Lets say, you start building a blog for affiliate products with organic traffic. Then after getting decent revenue in affiliate marketing with only organic traffic, you can automate tasks, processes involved in and focus on social or paid traffic. This paves you  way to success at online business.

If you consider to start and master one by one traffic or revenue system then your target is to achieve blogging success in 3 growth stages.

Growth Stage (I) Blog

For First Stage, we consider to start with one revenue source as affiliate (revenue) and organic channels as traffic source. 

Affiliate revenue is immediate and can be achieved easily to boost initial confidence on blogging business. 

Also organic traffic will come from search engines and no need to spend a penny on ads.

This model works well and ensures blogging success for you. This combines high ROI altogether.

Why this only?

Starting with affiliate revenue and organic traffic needs proper goal setting.  In my opinion this traffic and revenue combination works well in effectively less investment of money and time.

Let’s dive into further plans of content, promotions and monetization.

1) Content

Here in Growth stage I, basically you need to create two major types of content. Means put up affiliate marketing content with linkable assets. 

The reason behind this type of content is to win SEO traffic. Which can convert people to hit your affiliate link and linkable assets content piece will generate more links to win SEO.

This type of websites are making mark on people mind, the biggest example of growth stage I website is or 

Both are content driven websites with USP of best review or coupons and majorly  depends on organic traffic.

2) Promotions Methodologies

This mainly involves distribution of your content which you have created on your website to drive maximum traffic. 

The major part of blog promotion in this stage is SEO. so adding maximum useful content on your blog for targeted keywords is the best strategy to succeed at an SEO game.

However it’s never possible to get quick success in SEO, it takes time. Even sometimes it takes months to actually start getting an impression of your blog. So have patiences and show your consistency in adding content. 

In my opinion, to get decent traffic and affiliate revenue from newly launched blogs needs 6 to 8 months at least.  But here we have considered only organic traffic without burning money on ads.

3) Blog Monetisation

In the case of generating affiliate revenue from a blog is simple, all you need to add affiliate links in your article with proper CTA. take a not that this is not going to generate much revenue until you have a decent amount of traffic coming from google. 

You will get affiliate links for products or services in your niche, not much effort required. Just signup for affiliate networks and get approval from respective brands. 

Instead, start focusing on creating content for targeting right keywords to attract the right audience.

Growth Stage (II) Blog

What does it include?

In Growth stage II, you need to add one revenue source and one traffic source on an existing growth stage I blog. 

Of course this type of blog is only a transformation of stage I blogs, to diversify business. 

Here you can consider social traffic as an extra traffic source and ad network revenue as an added revenue source 

Focusing on social traffic eventually going to help you in winning SEO traffic and ad network revenue starts then and there to  fill your pocket.

But, the biggest differentiator in growth stage II websites is content.

And this is because, initially you were creating affiliate content to rank well in search engines. But for social traffic you need to create informational content which people are looking for. 

From Growth Stage I to Stage II, you need to shift content creation methodology. Means shift from writing only affiliate content (product reviews, service info, pricing/features comparison ) to informational content. Which mainly answer specifically to people doubt, questions or ‘How to’Many times, informational content for winning social traffic might me very short and curated form of content. 

Note:- This doesn’t mean you stop creating affiliate content, stage II is an addon for more traffic and revenue as well. is a great example.

Growth Stage III

Here you are into the final stage of online business, as you are going to add paid traffic sources for selling your product or service.

Now, selling products or services can be backed with sale or lead funnel and traffic will be pumped by media buying.

For buying media you need expertise in different ad networks like FB, google ads. Also have to be very careful and you are going to pay for each impression you receive. 

In this type of website, people often sell digital products, courses or membership as long as there is no need to manage inventory and delivery.

If you have a team to manage all delivery then surely go for physical products too.

Stage III blogs are highly profitable at the very same time it looks like an established business. This needs a group of individuals / team to manage entire business operations, one person can not manage solely. 

For this business you need to acquire skills to add more and more paid traffic channels. But, you need to figure out which works well for you.

Meanwhile, have a close look on ROI while spending money on paid ads. If you are making good profit margins then scale paid promotion accordingly as opportunity is endless, Literally sky is the limit!

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